This design standard provides requirements for design and detailing of concrete structures. The chapters are laid out generally on the basis of phenomena. The normative text comprises principles (identified with P after the clause number) and application rules. The principles apply to all concrete structures. The code also incorporates particular rules for building structures. The code uses limit state design philosophy and covers the commonly applicable limit states. A number of nationally determined parameters are allowed to cater for safety factors and for the differing geographical, geological and climatic conditions throughout Europe. The code represents the up-to-date knowledge and experience of some 28 countries across Europe. To be read in conjunction with EN1990,EN 1991,EN 1997,EN 1998,ENV 13670
Cross References: EN 1990 EN 1991-1-5 EN 1991-1-6 EN 1997 EN 1998 EN 197-1 EN 206-1 EN 12390 EN 10080 EN 10138 EN ISO 17760 ENV 13670 EN 13791 EN ISO 15630
Also available as part of KIT 184.
Replaces BS 8110 Parts 1 to 3, DD ENV 1992 Parts 1-1 and Parts 1-3 to 1-6.
Incorporates the following: Corrigendum, June 2008. Corrigendum, August 2011. Corrigendum, February 2014. Amendment, July 2015. Amends and replaces BSEN 1992-1-1:2004