Applies to fixed and removable means of access for stationary and mobile machinery, including access to that part of the building where the machine is installed. To be read in conjunction with BSEN 292-2:1991
Cross References: ENISO 14122-2 ENISO 14122-3 ENISO 12100-1:2003 ENISO 12100-2 ENISO 14121-1 ENISO 14122-4:2004 EN 131-2:1993 EN 294 ISO 13852 EN 349 ISO 13854 EN 353-1 EN 364 EN 547-1 EN 547-2 EN 547-3 EN 795 EN 811 ISO 13853 EN 1993-1-1
Replaces Parts 1 to 5 of BS 4592 and partially replaces BS 5395-3:1985.
Incorporates the following: Amendment, August 2010. Amends and replaces BSENISO 14122-1:2001