ASAE/ASABE S629 Framework to Evaluate the Sustainability of Agricultural Production Systems

standard by The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, 06/01/2016

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This Standard establishes a framework for developing programs to chart progress towards sustainableagricultural production, including defining and benchmarking key performance indicators (KPIs), setting goals,implementing strategies for continuous improvement, and reporting improvements over time. This frameworkconstitutes the minimum criteria for developing and implementing a program for sustainable agriculture. Thepurpose of this sustainability framework is to provide a process by which key performance indicators may beused to improve sustainability across agricultural production systems. The elements of this framework arecritical for uniform, effective, and legitimate implementation of sustainability initiatives across the complex,diverse, and multifaceted landscape of agriculture around the world. The Framework provides explicit guidanceon the goal and scope of each element, the process for implementing each element, and the necessarycomponents for each element. As with all ANSI standards, this is a voluntary standard and is not intended to beexclusive.

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