BS PD CEN ISO/TS 8062-2:2013

BS PD CEN ISO/TS 8062-2:2013 Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS). Dimensional and geometrical tolerances for moulded parts. Rules

standard by BSI Group, 10/31/2013

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Cross References:
ISO 129-1
ISO 1101
ISO 1302
ISO 2692
ISO 5458
ISO 5459
ISO 7083
ISO 8015
ISO 8062-1
ISO 8062-3:2007
ISO 10135
ISO 10579
ISO 13715
ISO 14405-2
ISO 17450-1
ISO 81714-1
ISO 286-1
ISO 1660
ISO 8062:1994
ISO 14253-1
ISO/TR 14638
ISO 17450-2
ASME Y14-8M:1996

Together with BS EN ISO 8062-1:2007 and BS EN ISO 8062-3:2007 it supersedes BS 6615:1996 (ISO 8062:1994), which is withdrawn

All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.

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