BS 7629-1:2015

BS 7629-1:2015 Electric cables. Specification for 300/500 V fire resistant, screened, fixed installation cables having low emission of smoke and corrosive gases when affected by fire . Multicore cables

standard by BSI Group, 08/31/2015

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Full Description

BS 7629-1:2015 specifies requirements and test methods for theconstruction and performance of cables which: have thermosetting insulation and a rated voltage of 300/500 V; provide resistance to fire (circuit integrity), including with mechanical shockand with water, as measured by performance in a standard test or tests; emit limited amounts of smoke and corrosive gases when burned asmeasured by a standard test; and are primarily intended for use in emergency lighting, fire detection and firealarm system circuits.The circuit integrity performance under fire conditions is assessed on the basis oftests which measure resistance to fire with mechanical impact and water spray(Categories: Standard 30, Standard 60 and Enhanced 120).

NOTE 1 BS 5266-1 and BS 5839-1 give recommendations and guidance on thefactors to be taken into account in the planning, design, installation, commissioningand maintenance of emergency lighting, fire detection and fire alarm systems forbuildings, respectively.

It is applicable to 2-core, 3-core and 4-core circular cables with an uninsulatedfull size circuit protective conductor, and 7-core, 12-core and 19-core circularmulti-core auxiliary cables with an uninsulated drain wire of not less than0.5 mm2. All cables contain a metallic layer, which provides electrostaticscreening.

The cables are suitable for operation at a maximum sustained conductortemperature of 70 C and for a maximum short-circuit conductor temperatureof 250 C (for a maximum period of 5 s).

NOTE 2 Annex A gives recommendations for the selection, installation andoperation of cables, Annex B gives the method of test for continuity of tinnedcoating of wires, Annex C gives the method of test for voltage withstand, Annex Dgives the method of test for bending characteristics, Annex E gives the method oftest for resistance to impact, Annex F gives the method of test for shrinkage ofsheath and Annex G gives notes on type tests.

Cross References:
BS 7655-1.2
BS 7655-6.1
BS 7671
BS 8434-2
BS EN 50200
BS EN 50363-1
BS EN 50363-5
BS EN 50395
BS EN 50396
BS EN 60228
BS EN 60332-1-2:2004
BS EN 60754-1
BS EN 60811-502
BS EN 60811-506
BS EN 61034-1
BS EN 61034-2
BS EN 62230
IEC 60050-461
BS 5266-1
BS 5839-1
BS 6387
BS 8519
BS EN 60079-14
The Electricity Safety, Quality and Continuity
Regulations 2002

Replaces BS 7629-1:2008 which remains current.

All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.

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