BS PD ISO/TR 17427-9:2015

BS PD ISO/TR 17427-9:2015 Intelligent transport systems. Cooperative ITS. Compliance and enforcement aspects

standard by BSI Group, 11/30/2015

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Full Description

BS PD ISO/TR 17427-9:2015 identifies potential critical compliance and enforcement aspects issues thatC-ITS service provision may face or introduce; to consider strategies for how to identify, control, limit ormitigate such issues. The objective of this Technical Report is to raise awareness of and considerationof such issues and to give pointers, where appropriate, to standards deliverables existing that providespecifications for all or some of these aspects. This Technical Report does not provide specifications forsolutions of these issues.

Cross References:
ISO/TR 17427-2
ISO/TR 17427-3
ISO/TR 17427-4
ISO/TR 17427-5
ISO/TR 17427-6
ISO/TR 17427-7
ISO/TR 17427-8
ISO/TR 17427-10

All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.

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