BS PAS 1919:2016

BS PAS 1919:2016 Guide to management accounting principles

standard by BSI Group, 03/31/2016

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Full Description

BS PAS 1919:2016 gives guidance for organizations on assessingthe performance of the management accountingfunction.

It covers the four management accounting principlesthat: communication provides insight that is influential -encouraging insightful communication that drivesbetter decisions across an organization; information is relevant - reviewing past, presentand forward looking performance managementinformation; impact on value is analysed - understanding anorganization's strategy and business model; and stewardship builds trust - balancing short-termcommercial interests against long-term value forstakeholders.This PAS is for use by all organizations, including butnot limited to; large, small, public, private, local andinternational and their investors and stakeholders.

NOTE It is aimed at those responsible for providing anddelivering management accounting functions, includingchief executives, chief financial officers and other boardmembers.

All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.

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