BS PD ISO/TS 19337:2016

BS PD ISO/TS 19337:2016 Nanotechnologies. Characteristics of working suspensions of nano-objects for $ii$in $iv$ii$it$ir$io assays to evaluate inherent nano-object toxi city

standard by BSI Group, 04/30/2016

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Full Description

BS PD ISO/TS 19337:2016 describes characteristics of working suspensions of nano-objects to beconsidered when conducting in vitro assays to evaluate inherent nano-object toxicity. In addition, thisTechnical Specification identifies applicable measurement methods for these characteristics.

This Technical Specification is applicable to nano-objects, and their aggregates and agglomeratesgreater than 100 nm.

NOTE This Technical Specification intends to help clarify whether observed toxic effects come from testednano-objects themselves or from other uncontrolled sources.

Cross References:
ISO 29701
ISO/TR 13097:2013
ISO 13320:2009
ISO 13317-3:2001
ISO 11885:2007
ISO 17294-1:2004
ISO 17294-2:2003
ISO/TS 80004-2

All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.

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