BS PD CEN/TS 15634-5:2016

BS PD CEN/TS 15634-5:2016 Foodstuffs. Detection of food allergens by molecular biological methods. Mustard (Sinapis alba) and soya (Glycine max). Qualitative detection of a specific DNA sequence in cooked sausages by real-time PCR

standard by BSI Group, 07/31/2016

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Full Description

BS PD CEN/TS 15634-5:2016 specifies a procedure for the qualitative detection of species specific DNAfrom white mustard (Sinapis alba) and soya (Glycine max) in cooked sausages using singleplex real-timePCR based on the genes MADS-D (mustard) and lectin (soya). A mustard content of 10 mg/kg orgreater and a soya content of 10 mg/kg or greater can be detected with a probability of > 95 %.

Cross References:
EN ISO 24276
ISO 24276
EN ISO 21571
ISO 21571
EN ISO/IEC 17025
ISO/IEC 17025

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