BS 8484:2016 gives recommendations for providing for the safety andsecurity of lone working employees where the customer's risk profile identifiesthe need for an LWS.
This British Standard gives recommendations on the provision of LWSs to helpcontrol and manage identified LW risks. Such services consist of an LWD and/oran LWA, monitoring, training, management information and response options.
This British Standard also gives recommendations for the response serviceincluding: minimizing their receipt of false alarms; and ensuring that low level genuine incidents that do not require an immediatemanned response are treated accordingly.This British Standard provides a customer with recommendations and abenchmark when seeking a solution to reduce and/or eliminate the risk to staffoperating away from the ability of colleagues to provide direct assistance. Insuch circumstances, an LWS solution provides a proportional response from theemergency services.
This British Standard is applicable to both suppliers and customers procuringLWSs.
NOTE See Figure 1 for an example of how an LWS fits into an LW policy.
Cross References: BS 7858 BS 7984-2 BS 8591 BS EN 50518 BS ISO/IEC 27001 BS 5979:2007 BS 16000 BS EN ISO 22301 BS ISO 9001 BS ISO/IEC 27031
Replaces BS 8484:2011 which remains current
All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.
Product Details
Published: 08/31/2016 ISBN(s): 9780580900693 Number of Pages: 32File Size: 1 file , 1.7 MB Product Code(s): 30322702, 30322702, 30322702 Note: This product is unavailable in United Kingdom