BS PAS 3001:2016

BS PAS 3001:2016 Travelling for work. Responsibilities of an organization for health, safety and security. Code of practice

standard by BSI Group, 09/30/2016

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Full Description

BS PAS 3001:2016 gives recommendations for the responsibilityof an organization with regards to the health, safetyand security of individuals travelling for work. Itcovers a good practice approach to the development,implementation and evaluation of: policy; threat and hazard identification; risk assessment; prevention strategies; incident management, including:arrangements for mitigation and response;communications and accountability arrangements.The PAS can be used by any organization of any sizeand sector that designates travellers for work-relatedtravel or assignment (including workers, volunteers orcontractors, sub-contractors and students).

NOTE This PAS can act as a stand-alone documentor be integrated into an existing health and safetymanagement system.

All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.

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