ACI 355.4-11
ACI 355.4-11
Qualification of Post-Installed Adhesive Anchors in Concrete and Commentary ACI Committee 355 American Concrete Institute / 01-Aug-2011 / 59 pages ISBN: 9780879313936
Qualification of Post-Installed Adhesive Anchors in Concrete and Commentary ACI Committee 355 American Concrete Institute / 01-Aug-2011 / 59 pages ISBN: 9780879313936
This standard prescribes testing and evaluation requirementsfor post-installed adhesive anchor systems intended for usein concrete under the provisions of ACI 318. Criteria areseparately prescribed to determine the suitability of adhesiveanchors used in uncracked concrete only, or in both crackedand uncracked concrete. Criteria are prescribed to determinethe design parameters and performance category for adhesiveanchors. Included are assessments of the adhesive anchorsystem for bond strength, reliability, service conditions, andquality control. Special inspection (13.3) is required duringanchor installation as noted in 10.22. Table 1.1 provides anoverview of the scope.
Keywords: adhesive anchors; anchors; cracked concrete; fasteners; post-installed anchors; qualification procedures; uncracked concrete.
Browse Product Family:
ACI 355.4-11
ACI 355.4-10
Chapter 1?Introduction and scope, p. 3
1.3?Units of measurement
Chapter 2?Notation and definitions, p. 5
Chapter 3?General requirements, p. 11
3.1?Test organization
3.2?Variables and options
3.3?Test requirements
3.4?Assessment for multiple anchor element types for adhesive anchors
3.5?Assessment for alternate drilling methods
Chapter 4?Requirements for test specimens, anchor installation, and testing, p. 17
4.1?Testing by ITEA and manufacturer
4.2?Test samples
4.3?Concrete for test members
4.4?Requirements for test members
4.5?Anchor installation
4.6?Drill bit requirements
4.7?Test methods
4.8?Tests in cracked concrete
4.9?Changes to products
Chapter 5?Requirements for anchor identification,p. 24
5.1?Basic requirements
5.3?Fingerprinting adhesive materials
Chapter 6?Reference tests, p. 24
6.2?Required tests
6.3?Conduct of tests
Chapter 7?Reliability tests, p. 25
7.2?Required tests
7.3?Conduct of tests
7.4?Reliability tests
7.5?Sensitivity to hole cleaning?dry concrete
7.6?Sensitivity to hole cleaning?saturated concrete
7.7?Sensitivity to hole cleaning?water-filled hole
7.8?Sensitivity to hole cleaning?submerged concrete
7.9?Sensitivity to mixing effort
7.10?Sensitivity to installation in water-saturated concrete
7.11?Sensitivity to installation in water-filled hole?saturated concrete
7.12?Sensitivity to installation in submerged concrete
7.13?Sensitivity to crack width?low-strength concrete
7.14?Sensitivity to crack width?high-strength concrete
7.15?Sensitivity to crack width cycling
7.16?Sensitivity to freezing and thawing
7.17?Sensitivity to sustained loading at standard and maximum long-term temperature
7.18?Sensitivity to installation direction
7.19?Torque test
Chapter 8?Service-condition tests, p. 32
8.2?Required tests
8.3?Conduct of tests
8.4?Tension tests in uncracked and cracked concrete
8.5?Tension tests at elevated temperature
8.6?Tension tests with decreased installation temperature
8.7?Establishment of cure time at standard temperature
8.8?Durability assessment
8.9?Verification of full concrete capacity in a corner
8.10?Determination of minimum spacing and edge distance to preclude splitting
8.11?Tests to determine shear capacity of anchor elements with nonuniform cross
section8.12?Simulated seismic tension tests
8.13?Simulated seismic shear tests
Chapter 9?Supplemental tests, p. 38
9.1?Round-robin tests
9.2?Tests to determine minimum member thickness
Chapter 10?Assessment of anchors, p. 39
10.1?Analysis of data
10.2?Normalization of anchor capacities for measured concrete bond and steel strengths
10.3?Establishing characteristic values
10.4?Assessment of characteristic tension capacity associated with concrete breakout and pullout
10.5?Assessment of steel tension capacity
10.6?Assessment of steel shear capacity
10.7?Assessment of minimum member thickness
10.8?Assessment of maximum tightening torque
10.9?Assessment of behavior under crack cycling
10.10?Assessment of freezing-and-thawing behavior
10.11?Assessment of sustained load behavior
10.12?Assessment of performance associated with installation direction
10.13?Assessment of performance at elevated temperature
10.14?Assessment of performance with decreased installation temperature
10.15?Assessment for cure time at standard temperature
10.16?Assessment of durability requirement
10.17?Assessment of performance in corner test
10.18?Assessment of performance in minimum spacing and edge distance test
10.19?Assessment of performance under seismic tension
10.20?Assessment of performance under seismic shear
10.21?Establishment of hole cleaning procedures
10.22?Establishment of on-site quality control and installation conditions
10.23?Assessment based on installation and environmental conditions
10.24?Assessment for fire exposure
Chapter 11?Data presentation, p. 51
11.1?General requirements
11.2?Contents of evaluation report
11.3?Data presentation
Chapter 12?Independent testing and evaluation agency requirements, p. 53
12.1?General requirements
Chapter 13?Quality control requirements, p. 54
13.1?Quality assurance program
13.2?Quality control manuals
13.3?Special inspection
Chapter 14?References, p. 54
14.1?Referenced standards and reports
14.2?Cited reference