BS 7000-2:2008


BS 7000-2:2008

Design management systems. Guide to managing the design of manufactured products British Standards Institution / 31-Mar-2008 / 70 pages ISBN: 9780580585210

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Cross References:
BS 6079-1:2002
BS 6079-3
BS 7000-10:2008
BS 7373-2:2001
BS EN ISO 9001:2000
BS ISO 10007
BS ISO/IEC 90003:2004
BS 3375
BS 5750-8
BS 5760
BS 7000-1:2008
BS 7000-3
BS 7000-4:1996
BS 7000-6:2005
BS 7373-1
BS 7373-3
BS EN 60300-1
BS EN 60300-2
BS EN 60300-3-3
BS EN 60706-2
BS EN 61160
BS EN ISO 9000:2005
BS EN ISO 9004
BS EN ISO 14001
BS ISO 9000-2
BS ISO 9000-3
BS ISO/IEC 12207
BS ISO/IEC 15288
BS IEC 62198
BS IEC 60300-3-5
IEEE 1220
Environmental Protection Act 1990
Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 1994

Keywords: Design; Systemology; Management; Planning; Production management; Management operations; Decision-making; Management techniques; Market research; Cost accounting; Project management; Risk assessment; Risk analysis; Quality control

Product Code(s): 30163147,30163147

This product references:BS 6079-1:2002 - Project management. Guide to project management
BS 7000-4:1996 - Design management systems. Guide to managing design in construction
BS 7000-6:2005 - Design management systems. Managing inclusive design. Guide
BS 7000-1:2008 - Design management systems. Guide to managing innovation
BS 7373-2:2001 - Product specifications. Guide to identifying criteria for a product specification and to declaring product conformity
BS EN ISO 9001:2000 - Quality management systems. Requirements
BS ISO/IEC 90003:2004 - Software engineering. Guidelines for the application of ISO 9001:2000 to computer software
BS EN ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systems. Fundamentals and vocabulary
BS 7000-10:2008 - Design management systems. Vocabulary of terms used in design management
This product replaces:BS 7000-2:1997 - Design management systems. Guide to managing the design of manufactured products

Browse Product Family:

BS 7000-2:2008
BS 7000-2:1997

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