ANSI/INCITS 271-1996

ANSI/INCITS 271-1996

Fibre Channel - Single-Byte Command Code Sets Mapping Protocol (FC-SB) (formerly ANSI X3.271-1996) InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards (formerly NCITS) / 16-Feb-1996 / 107 pages

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FC-SB describes the mapping, or channel protocol, associated with Single-Byte Command Code Sets (SBCCS) and is intended for use with ANSI X3.230, FC-PH. The objective of FC-SB (SB) is to provide the necessary mappings to allow programs which run on prior art products to run on products which include FC-PH interfaces. This standard describes the specific feature sets of FC_PH that must be used, so that any conformant Fibre Channel node implementation has some assurance of being able to interoperate at the SB level with any other conformant implementation.

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