NSF/ANSI 60-2012
This version of NSF/ANSI 60 - 2012 includes the following revisions:Issue 48: This issue revises Table 6.2, Maximum Use Level (MUL) of hydrogen peroxide from 3 mg/L to 23 mg/L, and removes the chlorination footnote.Issue 54: The product labeling requirements under section 3.5 have been revised to contain the maximum use level on a product container or literature that it is shipped with the product, such as product technical data sheets. Under section 3.9, Product security, tamper-evident packaging requirements have been clarified to state that they are for drinking water applications, and the requirements for bulk shipments in railcars in 3.9.3 have been specified. Informational Annex H has been added to provide examples of acceptable tamper-evident measures.Issue 55: A precipitation step has been added to Method C under Annex B.3.4, which addresses the preparation of calcium carbonate, calcium hydroxide, calcium oxide, magnesium carbonate hydroxide and magnesium oxide.Issue 57: Bromide impurity requirements have been added for sodium chloride evaluated for use in electrolytic chlorinator applications under section 7.Issue 58: Language has been added to the scope of the Standard to exclude the intentional use of microorganisms.
Keywords: drinking water, treatment chemicals, health effects, coagulation and flocculation chemicals, corrosion/scale control chemicals, disinfection and oxidation chemicals