AWWA ACE99547 Pennsylvania Creates a Small Public Water Systems Technology Assistance Center

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1999

Xie, Yuefeng; Cole, Charles A.; Long, David A.

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This paper discusses two innovative approaches to assist small system operators in Pennsylvania and the region. The first program, train the trainers, focuses on better utilizing the existing trainers by upgrading their training skills in the area of adult learning and compliance and variance technologies. The ojective of the second program, train the operators, is to provide operator training courses in the areas of computer, laboratory, and operation and maintenance skills. The training courses will be offered through Penn State's network of 30 campuses and centers around Pennsylvania. Many training courses will be delivered via an interactive video telephone system at multiple locations. It is imperative that the center work closely with other professional organizations, training partners, and federal and local governments, who are interested in small systems, to provide technical, financial, managerial assistance to small water systems.

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