AWWA ACE99527 Evaluation of the Flooding Impact on Microbial Intrusion in a Distribution System

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1999

Barbeau, Benoit; Prevost, Michele; Allard, Denis; Coallier, Josee

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This paper presents a study done by the NSERC-Industrial Chair on Drinking Water of Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal to evaluate whether traces of microbiological contamination could be found one year after the numerous main breaks caused by a severe flooding. The results did not reveal abnormal levels of bacteria using a traditional technique (HPCs) and an innovative epifluorescence technique (BacLight). No coliforms (m-T7 technique) were detected in treated water during the entire length of the sudy. The abundance of Actinomycetes was found to be the most sensitive bacteriological parameter. These observations tend to confirm that the use of adequate emergency procedures (extensive flushing and hyperchlorination) can minimize the short term and long term impacts of catastrophic breakages on the microbiological water quality in distribution sytems.

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