Full Description
This standard covers the various classes of cold-water turbine meters in sizes 1 1/2 inc. through 12 in. for water works customer service and the materials and workmanship employed in their fabrication. The turbine meters covered by this standard are divided into class I and class II meters. Both classes of meters register by recording the revolutions of a turbine set in motion by the force of flowing water striking its blades. Class I meters are the vertical- shaft and low-velocity, horizontal-shaft models. Class II meters are the in-line, horizontal-axis, high-velocity-type turbines characterized by lower head loss and a wider normal operating flow range than class I models. The history of the standard, information regarding use of this standard, and major revisions are covered in the foreword. Section 1 discusses scope, definitions, references, affidavit of compliance, and basis for rejection. Section 2 discusses materials including choice of materials, pressure castings (main casings), register-box rings and covers, measuring cages or chambers, measuring turbines, turbine spindles, intermediate gear trains, external fasteners (casing bolts, nuts, screws, and washers), coupling tailpieces and nuts, and companion flanges. Section 3 covers general design including size, capacity, length, width, and height, test plugs, pressure requirement, accessibility, registration accuracy, and markings. Section 4 discusses detailed design including main case, external-case screws, bolts, nuts, and washers, main-case connections, companion flanges, registers, register boxes, intermediate gear trains, measuring chambers or cages, strainers, and tamper-resistant features.
The appendix includes supplemental information on units of measurement, register types, tests, testing equipment, registration accuracy, periodic tests, meter storage, and installation. Major revisions include: a definitions section has been added, a statement that AWWA standards do not include warranties, references to hermetically sealed registers have been modified to list permanent seals, references to tamper-resistant features rather than just seal-write holes are included, the appendix has been updated, the term engineering plastic replaces the term synthetic polymer through the standard.