AWWA ACE90008 GAC Adsorption in the Presence of Background Organic Matter: Pretreatment Approaches and Attenuation of Shock Loadings

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1990

Summers, R. Scott; DiCarlo, Dan; Palepu, Sehkar

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Organic matter from groundwater can irreversibly reduce the adsorption process for granular activated carbon (GAC), a fact not explained by competitive adsorption theories. This study answers the question: Is the same true of organic matter in surface water? The overall objectives of the study are to quantify the reduction in adsorption capacity caused by the presence of target compounds in organic matter from the Ohio River and to study the response of GAC columns to pulse inputs of target compounds. Specifically, the objectives include: (1) determine the kinetics of the fouling and relate it to the preadsorbing organic matter; (2) assess the impact of pretreatment processes, ozonation-biofiltration and ion exchange, on the reduction in adsorption capacity; and (3) assess the ability of GAC columns to attenuate a spike of a target compound (1,2-dichloroethene), i.e. shock loading in a spill scenario. The project used unchlorinated, conventionally treated effluent from the Cincinnati Water Works California Plant, Cincinnati, OH.

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