AWWA CSC91008 Developing a Strategic Computerization Plan -- How and Why

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1991

Brueck, Terrance M.; Winter, Mary H.

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A strategic computerization plan allows utility managers to meet the challenges of regulation, customer service expectations, and increasing costs. The author discusses strategic planning in terms of "leveraging," or making use of internal and external resources. Internal leveraging consists of avoiding duplicating data, or creating data that cannot be easily accessed. External leveraging means having a plan to take advantage of current hardware. Strategic planning is the first step of an overall process of systems development and implementation. Most of the factors that are key to the success of planning are human, not technological, factors, such as: clearly defined needs, sufficient staff, training and support, and user acceptance. Human factors are traditionally addressed in individual interviews; however, structured workshops offer better results. A step- by-step process chart shows how workshops contribute to the planning process.

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