AWWA SP250160

AWWA SP250160 Ultrafiltration in Drinking Water Treatment: Long Term Estimation of Operating Conditions and Water Quality for 3 Water Production Plants

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1991

Bersillon, J.L.; Anselme, C.; Mallevialle, J.

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Since the first plant installation (November 1988), Lyonnaise des Eaux-Dumez has been involved in the running of 6 ultrafiltration plants, 5 of them being in a rural environment. The gathered experience shows that the treated water has a high and very reliable quality. Production problems related to the membrane plants are not significantly different from those encountered with a conventional plant. The quality of the produced water using ultrafiltration is far better and more reliable than when using conventional treatments like direct filtration. Production cost may be doubled. However, local market conditions and amortizement policies have a very strong influence on this cost.

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