AWWA ACE91021 Evaluation of Low Pressure Membrane Filtration as a Water Treatment Alternative for the Removal of Giardia and Microbial Indicators

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1991

Jacangelo, Joseph G.; Riley, Kelley; Carns, Keith E.; Cummings,Edward W.; Mallevialle, Joel

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This study evaluated the use of low pressure hollow fiber UF as an alternative for complying with Surface Water Treatment Rule (SWTR) requirements for microbial removal/inactivation. Process efficacy was assessed by conducting MS2 virus, total coliform bacteria and Giardia muris seeding studies, as well as monitoring for naturally-occurring bacteria. The study showed that UF was capable of meeting SWTR requirements for alternative filtration technologies without the use of chemical disinfection. Four or more logs of Giardia and greater than 6.5 logs of virus were removed from each of the untreated source waters. Differences in water quality or changes in operating parameters did not appear to affect removal capabilities of the process. Maintenance of membrane integrity was critical to assuring process efficacy. When module integrity was compromised, as in fiber breakage, both MS2 virus and Giardia muris were detected in the permeate. Changes in membrane integrity were not necessarily reflected by changes in permeate turbidity; however, particle counting was an effective method for detecting a compromised membrane module.

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