AWWA ACE92051 Small Public Water Supply Systems - Some Water Treatment Installation and Operating Considerations

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1992

Lewis, Bruce W.

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The author offers some basic advice for engineers designing a small water system. The advice includes: keep the project practical in terms of capital and operating costs. Consider all pertinent aspects of the system under design, before deciding the best system to use. Size the system to meet long-term and peak demands. Design provisions for expansion due to new water quality regulations or deterioration of the water supply. Supply backup systems. Consider water treatment plant waste disposal. Make equipment easily accessible for repair. Use fully automatic systems, including automatic alarms. On the operations side, the author recommends scrupulous record keeping, a complete design review for older systems, operator familiarity with proper operation and chemical dosages, records containing detailed information about the wells and equipment, and telephone numbers for vendors.

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