AWWA MTC93058 Membrane Concentrate Disposal

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1993

Mickley, Mike; Hamilton, Bob

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This paper discusses the final report from a two-year Research Foundation project entitled "Membrane Concentrate Disposal" (order number 90637). The project tasks included characterizing membrane concentrate, determining appropriate waste minimization, treatment, and disposal options and addressing design a nd cost aspects of these options, and documenting the regulatory and permitting requirements for various disposal options. The authors feel that the vast majority of concentrate discharges can be accomplished in both an environmentally sound and practical manner and that both of the following goals are fair and should guide regulation of membrane concentrate: 1) Environmental damage should not be tolerated and rationalized by the need to grow of the need for life sustaining water, and 2) discharge permits should not be denied without a rational technical basis. There are no fatal flaws in the use of membrane technology to provide drinking water.

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