AWWA MTC93019 Nanofiltration Fouling by Natural Organic Matter and Role of Particles in Flux Enhancement

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1993

DiGiano, Francis A.; Braghetta, Anne; Utne, Bruce; Nilson, James

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The overall objective of this research is to gain further understanding of membrane fouling caused by NOM as foulant material. Feed concentrations, cross flow velocities, and particle concentrations were used as operational variables for the study of NOM membrane fouling at the bench scale. A raw water with high organic carbon concentration and a relatively minor concentration of inorganic constituents was selected to ensure that NOM would serve as the predominate source of fouling. Specific experiments have been devised to measure: the effect of TOC concentration and axial velocity on flux decline; the effectiveness of hydrodynamic and chemical cleaning strategies on flux recovery; the reduction in fouling achieved through the addition of anthracite particles into the feed stream; and the variation in permeate water quality over time. Additional insight into NOM fouling is obtained by use of molecular weight fractionation to identify which fractions of NOM associate preferentially with the membrane.

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