AWWA MTC93023 Brine Disposal to Local Sewerage System - An Unique Problem Facing Southern California's Blooming Desalting Market

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1993

Ma, Julius Y.; Everest, William R.; Sevenandt, Wendy; Reilly, James

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Brine from desalting plants if disposed to local sewerage systems could have detrimental effects on the reclaimed water quality from a reclamation plant. The County Sanitation Districts of Orange County and the Orange County Water District cosponsored a study of management strategies for brine disposal from existing and potential desalting plants. There are four major objectives: 1) to review brine quantity and quality from the Santa Ana River Interceptor and other trunklines; 2) to project flow and quality of other potential brine sources from the upper Santa Ana Basin and other parts of Orange County; 3) to evaluate various flow routing strategies, investigate and estimate the costs of new regional brine interceptors, and explore potential system diversion options between Plant 1 and the downstream plant; and 4) to select the best strategy or combination of strategies regarding source control, flow routing, collection system, and/or in-plant diversions.

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