AWWA DSS93003 Demonstration of an Innovative Water Main Rehabilitation Technique: In Situ Epoxy Lining

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1993

Hughes, David M.; Conroy, Paul

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Recent studies including a 1991 American Water Works Research Foundation (AWWARF) report have indicated that the widely used cement mortar lining process may not be an appropriate rehabilitation technique in soft waters. As a result AWWARF offered a project to carry out the demonstration of an alternative non-structural technique for water main rehabilitation. Ideally, an innovative technique could be found that might perform in all types of potable waters and perhaps compete directly with the cement lining technique. The Water Research Centre (WRc) was awarded the work to demonstrate the epoxy lining technique in the United States (US). The demonstration required coordinating a utility, an epoxy supplier/applicator and a contractor to satisfactorily epoxy line a live water main. Regulatory requirements were investigated and quality monitoring was organized to permit such a demonstration on an active main. The upcoming AWWARF research report on this effort will document the methodology, the quality standards employed, and testing results of the work is well underway. This paper describes the features of the demonstration test.

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