AWWA ACE93230 Utility Conflict Coordination - Untangling the Web

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1993

Andrews, Kimberly R.

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Physical conflicts between utility facilities and improvement projects are normally viewed as problems, but they may be opportunities. "Untangling the web" refers to two things, the network of utilities that exist in any developed area, and the complex structure of the various utility organizations. The author first addresses the problem of what to do when a main is located where an office park or shopping mall is going to be built. Don't think of it as the a problem, having to relocate the main, but as an opportunity to upgrade the main itself. After discussing the various ways in which relocation can work for the utility, the author addresses ways to avoid relocation problems in the first place. Finally, the author discusses how to make relocation as painless as possible.

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