AWWA ACE93245 Design/Construct Approach for Ion Exchange Nitrate Removal Plant

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1993

Caire, Timothy P.

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The most significant and widespread water quality problems in the Chino Basin are high nitrogen concentrations and high salinity. A study prepared for the city explored six methods for meeting the water demands of the area while maintaining nitrate concentrations at less than the maximum contaminant level (MCL). Ion exchange was selected, and firms were chosen to provide turnkey services for the ion exchange facility. This paper describes ion exchange theory, service and regeneration cycles, and a description of the Pomona anion exchange treatment plant (ion exchange units, brine and dilution water basins, influent pump station, and waste brine system). Each of the treatment plant components is described. Operation of the plant is discussed in terms of service cycle, regeneration cycle, and plant monitoring and control (sampling, process control, communications and alarms). In terms of the completion of the project, the author discusses scheduling, design, and construction, including vessel fabrication. The author concludes with an editorial about the design and construction process.

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