AWWA ACE93248 Modesto Domestic Water Project: A New Surface Water System Designed For Compatibility With Existing Groundwater Supply

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1993

Henderson, Ronald E.; Short, Allen C.; Henderson, Betsy A.

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The Modesto Domestic Water Project is the largest public works project ever undertaken in this area of Northern California. The project, which culminates nearly 20 years of planning, design, and implementation, is now in construction. The new surface water system will provide treated Sierra snowmelt water to supplement existing groundwater supplies. The project, which consists of a new 30 mgd full conventional treatment plant with ozone disinfection, 28 miles of transmission and distribution pipelines sized 60-inch to 16-inch, and an 80 mgd booster pump station with 10 million gallons of operational storage will be operational by the end of 1994. The project included a number of design challenges that had to be resolved, including: incompatible source waters; a changing regulatory arena; pipe laying in existing canal embankments; and a conjunctive use distribution system. This paper is a summary of these design challenges and how the project team involved the client and the contractors in the solution to these design challenges.

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