AWWA ACE93251 State Water for Santa Barbara County: Pipeline Design Through an Environmentally Sensitive Area

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1993

Burnworth, Bruce W.; Ferguson, Kenneth G.

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This paper is for those of you who have not yet been involved in the design or construction of a pipeline that requires revegetation of native and non-native plant species, realignment to avoid archeological features, schedule restrictions due to bird nesting, full time mitigation monitors and a spill contingency plan for treated water. First, this paper will provide brief background information regarding the State Water Project and the Coastal Branch of the State Water Project. Next, the specific environmental issues that needed to be addressed during the design of this pipeline will be described. This will be followed by a description of the approach used to address environmental concerns. A number of examples will be provided of project features designed to address the environmental concerns. Conclusions will summarize what has been learned during the design of an environmentally sensitive pipeline.

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