AWWA DSS93023 Methods of Plant Operation and Distribution Control to Meet Microbial Goals: A Fairfax County Water Authority Perspective

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1993

Bonacquisti, Thomas P.

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A term often used to describe an integrated approach to combat microbial growth in water supplies is referred to as the "multiple barrier" approach. In the context of this format, the author tries to convey that the Fairfax County Water Authority's methods for control by outlining several key programs which have proven to be an effective means of distribution system microbial control over the years. Key points addressed include: assurance of finished water quality; annual and as-needed flushing programs; cross connection program; distribution storage tank maintenance; new main sampling program; chlorine residual monitoring; and characterization of distribution microbial populations. Because the Authority employs monochloramine as a secondary disinfectant the majority of the year, emphasis will be placed on both the annual system-wide main flushing program with free chlorinated water as well as a characterization of microbial populations inhabiting this chloraminated system. A brief description of the Authority's raw water sources, physical plants, distribution system and chloramination history and practices are also presented.

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