AWWA DSS93020 Alternatives for Reduction of THMFP for Amawalk Lake North, Shenorock, New York

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1993

Iversen, Gary A.; Mueller, James A.

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The Amawalk-Shenorock Water Treatment Plant currently produces a high quality water with distribution system THMs less than 25 ug/L. Free chlorine residuals leaving the treatment plant after 30 minutes of contact time are typically 1.2 mg/L. Free chlorine residuals in the distribution system are typically 0.2 mg/L or greater. To meet the requirements of the 1986 Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments, the District will be required to provide continuous turbidity and chlorine residual monitoring. Additional lead and copper testing should also be conducted to determine if pH adjustment will be necessary under the requirements of the Lead and Copper Rule. The existing induced recharge system can produce approximately 150 gpm. If, however, additional plant capacity is needed, significant capital improvements will be required. Based on the results of the bench scale and continuous flow pilot studies, a conventional treatment plant can be built using potassium permanganate as a pre-oxidant.

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