AWWA ACE93103 Nation-Wide Survey of Bromide Ion Concentrations in Drinking Water Sources

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1993

Amy, Gary; Siddiqui, Mohamed; Zhai, Wenyi; DeBroux, Jean; Odem,Wilbert

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Bromide ion (Br-) in drinking water supplies has no direct public health ramifications; however, its presence during water-treatment disinfection can lead to brominated disinfection byproducts (DBPs). While the major focus in DBP control has been on organic precursors and their reactivity with chlorine or ozone, bromide has come to be recognized as an inorganic precursor to brominated DBP formation. While the literature indicates that Br- ion is of concern to several major utilities, it has not been clear as to whether bromide, on a national basis, is an isolated or extensive problem. The purpose of this study is to describe the national occurrence of bromide ion in drinking water sources, and to elucidate related impacts on the formation of brominated DBP levels.

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