AWWA ACE93206 Facing the Heat: Heat Exchangers and Your Drinking Water

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1993

Wiginton, Jeannie K.; Rhodes, William E.

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This paper describes problems posed by the municipal water main source heat pump (which uses the public drinking water supply as a heat sink or heat source and returns the "used" water to the drinking water system. A research program by the USEPA is outlined. Phase 1 will cover pipe flow and heat transfer; stochastic demand; corrosion potential; biofilm dynamics; chlorine demand; storage tank thermal effects; systems costs; and risk analysis. Phase 2 will cover bench and pilot scale studies. Phase 3 will consist of field studies. The authors believe that the water industry should continue to provide makeup water to all true closed loop systems and one time through systems only if the line is properly protected by a backflow prevention device.

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