AWWA ACE93229 Main Line Valve Survey Results: Valve Replacement and Rehabilitation Options

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1993

Thoden, William A.

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The Massachusetts Water Resources Authority is a wholesaler, delivery water to water systems via many lines that are 75-100 years old. The Main Line Valve Program was created to formalize an approach to rehabilitating or replacing main line valves in the distribution system. To ascertain current practice among large utilities, MWRA conducted a survey. Catalogs and data from manufacturers were gathered to learn more about various brands of valves. The data gathered from the various sources define what is referred to as a Good Main Line Valve Program. Each element of the program is discussed: maps, records, training, spare parts inventory, preventive maintenance, commitment to replacing or repairing broken valves, knowledge of available valves and appurtenances, and matching standards to the local situation.

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