AWWA ACE93246 Use of Ozone to Meet SDWA Requirements at the City of Valdosta, Georgia

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1993

Nash, Jeff; Daniel, Art; Weeks, Leon; Minchew, Ed

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Because of the poor quality of existing raw water and the age of existing treatment plant facilities, the City of Valdosta, Georgia, developed a water supply and treatment program that included water supply development, site selection, distribution system rehabilitation, treatment process evaluation, and plant design and construction. This case study gives background and describes the process of selecting a new supply and the treatment process for it. Pilot testing of the new groundwater supply included ozonation, air stripping, and direct filtration. The results of the hydrogeologic studies and pilot testing program show that the new water supply is not under the influence of surface water; therefore, an exemption from the requirements of the Surface Water Treatment Rule (SWTR) was obtained, resulting in a significant savings in capital cost. The selected treatment process uses air stripping for hydrogen sulfide removal, ozonation for residual sulfide oxidation, and primary disinfection and chlorination for residual disinfection. This process scheme meets the City's goal of providing a high quality finished water and has the flexibility to continue meeting these goals if the quality of the new water supply deteriorates. The average total trihalomethane (TTHM) concentration in the distribution system has dropped from 200 micrograms per liter (ug/L) to 15 ug/L since the new plant went online.

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