AWWA DSS92005 Overview on Trenchless Methods for Setting up Water Mains in the Parisian Area

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1993

Pascal, Olivier; Ilotte, Vincenzo

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The use of new techniques for water main rehabilitation or laying requires special attention. This paper presents a few of the trenchless technologies available. The rehabilitation strategies are: racleur souple, swage lining, and soft insertion lining. A new water main cleaning technique called the racleur souple provides at a reasonable cost a means to increase the flow rate in small mains. The racleur souple is introduced through the water main. Swage lining takes advantage of the properties of polyethylene pipes to overcome reduction of cross section that may result from conventional sliplining. The "soft insertion lining methods" rely upon the insertion of a soft lining into the pipe to be rehabilitated by everting it or forcing it through the pipe with water or compressed air. The laying techniques include guided drilling for laying and removal of old pipes by pulling them out with a cable. The experiences of the Compagnie Generale des Eaux (Paris, France) with each of these techniques is discussed.

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