AWWA DSS92012 Some Aspects of Water Distribution, Policy and Practice in North America and the United Kingdom

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1993

Rouse, Michael J.

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This paper considers the major influences that have determined policy in the United Kingdom and North America regarding leakage control, pipeline materials, and rehabilitation of systems. The differences between the UK and North American include geographic size and associated climate differences; historical and structural differences associated with geographical size and age of assets and political measures. Broadly, customer requirements are roughly the same. In the UK, major effort has had to be devoted to rehabilitating the aging underground systems. The US can expect its needs in this area to increase with the requirement for major investment in surveys and remedial works. With conservation pressures, leakage control measures in the UK will have to be intensified. There is a major requirement to address the public's understanding of losses, specifically in relation to percentage figures and economics. The greater integration of UK utilities has resulted in user-driven specifications and standards together with a pipe materials selection manual.

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