AWWA MTC93061 Microfiltration as Tertiary Treatment: Eighteen-Month Pilot Trial

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1993

Willingham, George A.; Vickers, James C.; McGahey, Christopher L.

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Membrane technology can be applied to remove microorganisms mechanically from secondary wastewater to protect down-stream water supplies, bathing and recreational waters, and shellfish harvesting waters. Over the course of 18 months, the CMF produced a flux of 45-67 GSFD, 24 hours per day, 7 days a week. The unit was run "dead end" without continuous recirculation. CMF consistently met current NPDES discharge permit levels, even when operated with compromised membranes. SS/BOD was routinely below the current 20/20 limit and even below the more stringent 10/10 requirement. Neither chemical conditioning of the feed nor post-filtration chemical disinfection was required. CMF converted 1/4 of the feed stream solids to settleable solids, allowing for possible return to primary treatment for removal. Overall, CMF performed adequately as an alternative to conventional methods for tertiary treatment of secondary wastewater effluent.

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