AWWA ACE94110 Aeration for the Removal of Radon From Ground Water

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1994

Lenzo, Frank C.

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This paper contains a review of four aeration technologies that are commercially available and presently being applied to the treatment of radon in groundwater: packed column air strippers, multi-stage fine bubble aerators, sieve tray aerators and multi-stage crossflow aerators. Each technology is reviewed and applied to a cross section of applications in order to provide a basis for comparing these aeration techniques for radon removal. Both capital and operating costs, as well as potential aesthetic impacts, are discussed. Each technology offers an effective means for removing radon from groundwater. The data presented in this analysis provides a picture of how these four technologies fit into the treatment requirements associated with radon removal from groundwater. Variations in the economic environment, local utility and site conditions, and the ever changing landscape of available technologies will influence the precise points at which one technology becomes more cost-effective than another.

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