AWWA ACE94120 Coordinating Technology to Preserve Resources

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1994

Newsham, Ruth

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This paper describes the water conservation and reuse projects of the Eastern Municipal Water District (EMWD) in California. EMWD became an early leader in the field of water reuse. The district constructed five state-of-the-art regional water reclamation facilities, with a combined total capacity of 45 million gallons per day. A large distribution system connects all five facilities, and delivers both secondary and tertiary treated reclaimed water for resale. When water quality in the system becomes a problem to monitor, the author describes how a combination of various types of software were used to trace water quality constituents as they moved through the system. Analytical results are displayed in graphical format by the hydraulic analysis software or the geographic information system. The author describes how development and use of other water quality models increased with the increased awareness of water conservation issues. The authors lists all the variables that must be entered into the spreadsheets for integrated systems models. These models have been used to address concerns of regulators and decision makers.

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