AWWA ACE94062 Filtration Avoidance Under the Surface Water Treatment Rule: New York City's Solutions

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1994

Gainer, Richard

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New York City maintains three reservoir systems, but will only be filtering the Croton System. Because filtration is several years off and because Croton source waters need protection from further contamination, the City's Watershed Protection Program will apply in the Croton as well as the Catskill and Delaware watersheds. In 1988, the city began to develop a comprehensive, long-term watershed protection program designed to: curtail and clean up existing sources of pollution; prevent pollution of source waters by future development; and improve water quality throughout the system, particularly in reservoirs that are now eutrophic. New York City's watershed protection program is an integrated combination of varied components that include: stringent watershed regulations and enforcement; partnerships with watershed communities; acquisition of sensitive watershed land; increased scientific and engineering research; and upgrading of all wastewater treatment plants in the watersheds.

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