AWWA ACE94193 Maintaining Distribution Storage Tank Water Quality With a Booster Chlorination and Recirculation System

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1994

Skov, Kenneth R.; Gorman, Edward F.; Flynn, James J.

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The South Central Connecticut Regional Water authority has operated a booster chlorination and recirculation system at its Grassy Hill ground storage tank since 1974. The results of this study indicate that if the Grassy Hill tank was not equipped with a booster chlorination and recirculation system, the chlorine residual in the tank would be severely degraded due to the long residence time associated with the ground storage tank and the low chlorine residual of the water entering the tank. The booster chlorination and recirculation system has proven to be an excellent and cost-effective way to maintain water quality in the tank and associated distribution system. With the advent of today's relatively low-cost technology, and modern chlorine feed equipment, the authority is looking into modifying the Grassy Hill booster chlorination system with the addition of automatically-controlled chlorination. This type of system would adjust the chlorine feed rate up or down based on an input signal sent from the on-line chlorine residual analyzer. This future modification will ensure a more precise level of control in maintaining the target free chlorine residual during seasonal variations in consumer demand and temperature levels.

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