AWWA ACE94004 Connecticut's Public Water Supply Viability Program

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1994

Albani, Richard F.; Iwan, Gerald R.

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The New England Region, (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont), Region I, has been the nation's smallest states with traditional small communities and a preponderance of very small systems. The majority of the systems are below the 3,300 consumers US Environmental Protection Agency uses to define small systems. In May, 1994, typified by Congressional Senate Bill 2019, many excellent concepts addressing small system viability have formally been brought forward, including: requiring primacy states to have viability programs; modifying monitoring requirements at state discretion; providing state Revolving Funds (SRFs) to assist system improvements--similar to the water pollution SRF; recognizing consolidation or restructuring as preferred viability options; and recognizing the need to prevent the creation of non viable systems. Connecticut case studies, profiles and perspective, certification, takeover, and the Connecticut plan are presented.

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