AWWA ACE94011 TQM in the Water Utility Business: Pieces to the Puzzle

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1994

Cerotsky, Ken

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Forces beyond the control of water utilities are having a major impact on the management of the utility. It is the author's opinion that what has worked in the past will not work in the future. New approaches to the management of the utility business must be instituted. One only has to examine giants of American industry, such as IBM and GM, to understand the consequences of "business as usual." Utilities must learn to "do better with less." Their customers demand it, and competition will require it. How utilities respond to this requirement will be highly indicative of the management environment of a utility. One approach that offers a lot of promise is TQM. Research and results indicate that TQM can work effectively in both the public and private sector in all parts of the world. TQM represents revolution, not reform. The challenge is to make it bloodless. There is no single way to apply TQM in a utility business. Quality management has many components and application methods, some more successful than others. The author has tried to identify the parts that seem to be the most important pieces of the TQM puzzle. A key to the success of TQM in the public sector is the need for the political leadership to work with the managers and leaders of the utility to insure continuity in quality improvement as the leadership changes. The managers of the utilities need to demonstrate the usefulness of TQM and the benefits derived, such as improvement in the way their organization relates to their customers; meeting or exceeding customer needs for quality and productivity; carrying out their utility's business goals.

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