AWWA ACE94025 Complying With the SWTR in Seattle: A Look at Nonfiltration Alternatives

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1994

Gilbert, Susan K.; Menard, Rosemary; Manning, Deborah ; Slaughterbeck, Carol

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The exceedance of the fecal coliform criterion resulted in the issuance of notification letters to Seattle Water from both US Environmental Protection Agency and the Washington Department of Health in March 1993. Both regulatory notification letters require Seattle Water to investigate adding filtration to the Cedar supply. Accordingly, one objective of this study is to investigate locations where filtration facilities might be added to the system and assess the need for related improvements. The Washington Department of Health also directed Seattle Water to concurrently investigate other options, in addition to filtration, that would fulfill the requirements of the Surface Water Treatment Rule. Recognizing the large capital investment and the extended planning and development period associated with installing filtration, Seattle Water is also investigating other alternatives that do not include filtration, to provide public health protection expeditiously and at a considerably lower overall cost. Following the federal and state mandates, a range of filtration and nonfiltration alternatives have been selected and analyzed in this study in terms of their capability to ensure public health protection and compliance with the SWTR. Another objective of this compliance study is to identify investigations needed to further define and evaluate the alternatives that appear to be capable of meeting the SWTR requirements.

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