AWWA ACE94075 Media Maneuvers: Practical News Media Relations for Water Utilities

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1994

Decker, Thomas E.; Hallinan, Gene M.

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The news media are an important and occasionally critical force that can dramatically help or seriously hamper the image and reputation of your utility and even your future plans and goals. To have them as your friend is a decided advantage. If they don't know you or have some manner of axe to grind with you, they can be a deadly antagonist. The steps in building a proactive media relations program include establishing a regular schedule and plan for contacting the media; designating the spokesperson for your utility; and becoming more involved with the local community. The author discusses some guidelines for dealing with the media on a day-to-day basis. The author also describes case studies of proactive media relations programs from: Kansas City, Missouri, Water and Pollution Control Department; South Adams County Water and Sanitation District, Colorado; Board of Public Utilities, Kansas City, Kansas; Lincoln Water System, Lincoln, Nebraska; Department of Water, Colorado Springs, Colorado; and Kenton County Water District #1, Ohio.

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