AWWA ACE94124 Influence of a Pilot-Scale Constructed Wetland on Natural Organics and Nutrient Concentrations

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1994

Frossard, Woody; Andrews, Darrel; Plummer, Alan H. Jr.; Mokry,Loretta E.; Mancini, John L.

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The objectives of the demonstration project described include the following: determine the effectiveness and operational requirements for use of constructed wetlands to provide additional treatment prior to introducing Trinity River water into the District's water supply reservoirs; determine operational requirements for use of constructed wetlands as effective Best Management Practices (BMPs) within watershed management; provide data on removal efficiencies of the wetland cells for nutrients (phosphorus and nitrogen), heavy metals, total suspended solids, fecal coliforms, and toxic organics; test the suitability of various aquatic macrophyte plants and communities based on removal efficiencies, and adaptation of the aquatic macrophytes to the constructed wetland environment; determine if harvesting of plants will be necessary for long-term removal of contaminants; and determine the long-term effectiveness of constructed wetlands in the removal of contaminants.

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