AWWA ACE94073 The Plant That Refused to Quit

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1994

Earnhardt, K. Brock

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In late June, 1993, the National Weather Service forecast that a moderate level flood that had been a nuisance for several weeks, interrupting our routines and inconveniencing our travel in Davenport and the Quad City communities would continue for another week before the Mississippi River would begin to recede. Because of the long advance notice and timely implementation of a good emergency plan, Iowa-American managed its operations effectively and avoided any disruptions. As soon as Iowa-American received the flood warning, water company personnel began daily meetings with the Scott County Emergency Management Agency group involved in the flood response. Until the crest of the flood was passed, Iowa-American and most other agencies kept personnel at the Emergency Operations Center around the clock. In addition to the effective communications and emergency operations that were accomplished during the flood, Iowa-American benefitted from solid long term facilities planning also. In addition to the formal emergency communications system, Iowa-American has an informal support network of community contacts and community leaders who were vitally important to the successful operations during the flood.

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